Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Autobiographical faith statement

Nixon Gargan Mbajah
+254 726-508-709

My name is Nixon Gargan Mbajah, Kenyan by birth and aged 26. I was baptized and confirmed in Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK), Arch Dioceses. My sponsors for baptism were Mr. and Mrs. Obare.
I believe in Martin Luther’s teachings and in Luther’s Small Catechism. My Christian faith is rooted on salvation by faith and grace alone. I believe that my salvation was made possible 100% by the work of Jesus Christ. I believe that I am saved by God's mercy and forgiveness and not by my works of righteousness to atone for my past or even by a personal action of deciding to follow Jesus. 
I believe that God created the universe and everything in it and that man disobeyed God's will and purposes through sin and in my rebellious and sinful condition I stand helpless and hopeless under God’s judgment.

I believe that God has revealed eternal truth to me in his inspired, inerrant word, the Bible, and that it alone is the basis of the Christian faith and that God offers his grace and forgiveness to all people, including infants, in the sacrament of baptism. I also believe that the word of God and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper are the means through which the Holy Spirit can work in me to give me faith and spiritual life.
I believe that God sent Jesus Christ to die for my sins, and that he is good news of love to me and everybody else. I accept Jesus Christ though the help of the Holy Spirit and believe that in his death on the cross and his resurrection I received forgiveness from God, became a child of God and became a member of his church.
I believe that though I am still subject to sin and failure, I should show love to God in a life of loving service to others, practice forgiveness, kindness, patience, humility and unselfish service for Christ's sake. As a Christian I am called into the church to praise and worship God, to receive the Spirit's renewal for my faith, to strengthen my fellow believers, and to carry out God's mission of taking the good news of his saving love to all people. I believe that God will raise-up all people on the last day and that every person who believes in Jesus as Saviour will be given eternal life.
I confess God's word as expressed in the Lutheran Confessions, which include the historic creeds like Nicene, Apostles and Athanasian, the Augsburg Confession and Luther's Small Catechism. Besides these I also believe in respect for human rights and dignity and in equitable treatment of each individual regardless of their gender, faith, race or ethnicity both within and outside the church.
My immediate goal is to acquire the most fundamental theological and doctrinal orientation and understanding under the guidance of Lutheran’s faith. This I am to achieve through studying Masters of Divinity and taking subsequent post-studies that will make me an informed Minister, Teacher and Author in my home country Kenya.
My future goals are to become a minister in my church, a professor in our seminary here in Kenya and an author of Lutheran Christian faith. I believe there is much to be done in matters faith and that a local person with deeper understanding of indigenous people’s culture is best suited for this role. As a literature bachelor’s graduate my writing and publications will be greatly informed and improved for the greater good of reaching more people with matters faith and salvation.
It is also in my best wish that in future, I shall be used as a tool to lead my church through the necessary reforms necessary to reaching out to as many people as possible and to unit my church to operate as one body in unity and under the guidance of Jesus Christ.  

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